Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rock 'n Roll and Family Time

OK, I know this is waaay in the past, but I drafted it not too long after it happened. Then, I guess life just got in the way and I sort of forgot about it. So here it is...This was early November 2011...

Erin and Shaun ran in Savannah's inaugural Rock 'n Roll Marathon.
Actually, they ran the half-marathon, running together most of the way and finishing with exactly
the same time - 1:50:27!

Not too shabby for a couple of 30-somethings!

While they were running, Grayson kept busy teaching school at Mimi's
(among a million other things). He goes ninety-to-nothing all day long! 

After the race, we spent the afternoon with GranAnn and GranStan,
while pulling on the Dawgs. Enjoy the pictures!

Playing Captain Hook. The bell was his hook.