Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Trip

We took a weekend trip over Thanksgiving weekend. We went to Huntsville Alabama and then drove over the border into Tennessee. Why Huntsville and Tennessee? Well, first I will tell you how this came about.

I follow several blogs and one of the blogs I follow is called One day she decided to write about her family weekend trip instead of posting a recipe. They stayed in a 100 year old cabin in Falls Mill TN. Once I saw the photos, I decided to look into it further.

Next thing I know, I am emailing the owner of the cabin to see if there is any availibility. Mind you this is the Fall season, so I doubted there would be any openings. She responded the only night she had available for the rest of the year was Saturday, November 26th ( yes, GranAnn's birthday). We decided to book the one night and we are so glad we did!

Friday, we drove to Huntsville and toured the Space Center. It was really interesting and recommended, but I want to tell you about Falls Mill.

We arrived early on Saturday morning as it was only 1 hour from Huntsville. As soon as we arrived, about 10:00 am, we were greeted by the owners. I did not tell you that the cabin sits on the grounds of an operational Grist Mill!  Check-in was not until 3:00, but she said the cabin was ready and we go let ourselves in!

The owners of the Mill have owned and operated it for about 30 years. The story on how they aquired the Mill and the "ups and downs" is fascinating.

For each guest, the owners provide a loaf of fresh baked bread, bag of grits, pancake mix, blueberry muffins, blueberry turnovers, hamsteak, fresh farm eggs (the young girls from a farm nearby brought them), orange juice, milk and even cream for coffee. The bread and blueberry muffins were very good!

We cooked breakfast on the morning we checked out. She said to please not worry about the dirty dishes and to leave them in the sink, but we could not do that!  There are movies in the cabin and just about any board game you could think of. There is also hidden money and you are supposed to find it and then hid again for the next guests. Elizabeth had a great time looking for the money.

We had such a great time and will go back!  The grounds of the mill are beautiful and I have included a few photos. Oh, and you may see a few on our Christmas card in the mail to you!

The owners house:

The grounds:

Lovely place!
I hope I did not mistype any words, as I could not get the spell check to work!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Camping fun with Griffin!

While Erin and Nickey were enjoying their time in Athens cheering on the Dawgs,
Artie & Susan (Grandpa and Mimi) got to spend a long weekend camping with Griffin.
What a fun and busy weekend we had!
"The Green Cabana" (out-house) in back saved long
trips to the bath house, especially late at night!
Camper from across the lake.
We went fishing off the dock...

And Griffin caught the first fish. There really is a fish on that line!
Griffin actually caught the most, even though none were big enough to keep.
I think the big ones were hiding.
We went on a hike - the Swamp Bay Nature Trail.
The trail was actually one way, but it was really pretty there & back.
We had to know secret passwords at strategic places along
the path. Griffin was the gatekeeper!
 Even Shiloh hiked with us!

Shiloh is as much a camera hog as Griffin!
Griffin and Grandpa threw the football...Good catch!
We went searching for a Geocache, which was pretty hard to find.
Griffin took a silly band and a slinky from the box.
Grandpa cooked breakfast and supper - yum!
Every night we had a campfire - it was really cold!
Warm fire and video games!
We cooked s'mores, banana boats and even roasted hot dogs.
Griffin ate three hot dogs!
We put together a 300 piece jigsaw puzzle,
even though 2 pieces were missing.
There was a full moon and Grandpa took some really cool pictures!

Can you tell we had a blast? See ya later!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The Hogans came over to the Leipprandt's neighborhood tonight and helped us trick or treat...what fun!

Elijah and Kate were definitely the cutest superhero and princess (Cinderella of course!) at our block party.

They all LOVED the trick-or-treat part of the night. Kate and Elijah would get their candy, turn around, and ask us, "so which house are we going to next??"

Molly and Brit didn't quite make it around the block...we were all pooped by the time the night ended. Hope your Halloween was happy!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Elizabeth and 4-H

Ok, now for another attempt at blogging. I want to tell everyone about how busy Elizabeth has been with 4-H. Oh, and yes, I have been just as busy since I am driving her around to all of her 4-H events!

Elizabeth decided to join the 4-H Horse Club. Since joining in September, she has been in the Marble Festival Parade, a horse clinic on how to control a horse when spooked (for the parade), volunteered to help build a fence at Twelve Stone Farm (they rescue horses), and another horse clinic for beginners.

I am sure you are asking, did Elizabeth get a horse?  The answer is NO!  Not going to happen in any future that I can see. The horses are not expensive (we even have someone who will give us one), it is the upkeep of owning one. She can still participate and can lease a horse for an event. Or she can volunteer at several horse stables around the county and "earn" a horse for an event.

This weekend she attended the horse clinic for beginners. I learned so much about horses!  Here is Elizabeth riding Grace. Before she could ride, she had to groom the horse and play "friendly" games with her horse.
After riding with a saddle, she rode bareback, not what I thought of when someone says they rode  bareback, but this is what it was called!
Elizabeth had a great time and so did Mom! 

Until next time.....

The Adams Family

Okay, here it goes.... finally had time to figure out the new blog (with Katie's help)!  Yes, this is my first time ever writing on a blog!

The Adams have been busy recently but we sure are enjoying the fall weather and scenery up here in the mountains!  The leaves are at peak and we are trying every excuse to find something to do outside.

Maggie and Berkley also love being outside. Maggie is obsessive about her tennis ball and Berkley is just as obsessive about her frisbee.

I was going to write more on this blog, but when I tried to add more photos, my computer does not want to cooperate. So, I will have to write another one and try to add photos!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the cooler weather.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

We are excited about the family blog as well and hope that we can update/check it often.  Although, this is first night that I have had a chance to get on here..........

Thanks to Katie for setting it all up.

Go Dawgs!!!  Beat Vandy!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Proud parents like to brag!

Erin alluded to this in the Turner family post Frantic Fall Fun, but you all know how parents like to brag about their children.  Well, this is the picture and story that ran in the "Bryan County Now" newspaper. This isn't actually the entire article - just the most important part! Congratulations Erin!!

From Bryan County Now
Coastal Electric Cooperative and its Foundation awarded thirteen Bright Ideas grants totaling over $6,500 to teachers in Bryan Schools last week. The winners were greeted in their classrooms with a surprise visit from the Bright Ideas Prize Team who came with balloons, a presentation check and gifts.
Earlier this year teachers were invited to apply online through the Coastal Electric Cooperative website to compete to win grants of up to $2,000 each. The Bright Ideas program encourages teachers to develop creative, innovative programs that might not otherwise be funded thru the school system. A panel of independent judges reviews and scores the applications.
Since the program’s inception in 2002 more than $140,000 has been awarded to local teachers. The grants give teachers the power to put their creative teaching ideas into action. Applications are accepted from teachers instructing students in grades K-12.
Bright Ideas is made possible in part thru the voluntary donations of the Cooperative’s members who participate in Operation Round Up® — members allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. Those nickels and dimes each month are turned over to The Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation which oversees the fund. The Foundation uses the money to assist with food, health, shelter, safety, and educational needs within the community.
Richmond Hill High School
• Erin Turner, Freeing Imaginations with Film Technology, $1,700

This grant will help purchase video technology to enable students to produce high quality, professional-looking videos for school related groups. Previous grant funds have helped students create short films and videos for the SACS study, the ninth grade freshman orientation, the Matthew Freeman Project, Veteran’s Day celebrations, Teacher Appreciation Week, National Education Week and the annual Media Festival. Every semester the student body is amazed by how the youthful mind can produce original and engaging video content with the proper technology. Given the same guidelines, no two students ever create the same project. Their ingenuity is evident in their organization, their camera angles, their photography and their resourcefulness.
This is just a test, so I can see where this goes.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Labor Day and unemployment - how ironic!

OK, here goes my first attempt at blogging. I figured that if Griffin and Trisha could figure it out, then I should be able to as well. Even though Griffin is a whiz on the computer, I think Erin might have helped him get started.

I have to say that I think this is a wonderful idea for the family. I use Facebook mainly to keep up with everyone and this will be a much more 'private' way to keep in touch. Back in the old days, we would have to write a letter to just one person or family and then wait to get one back. This way we can update everyone at once! I love it!!

So, what's going on with the Helmey's...

Artie and I spent a wonderful long Labor Day weekend camping at Little Ocmulgee State Park.

We relaxed around our new "to us" camper and went hiking with Shiloh.

We really had a great time!

Then when we went back to work after the holiday weekend, Artie lost his job! So he has been looking around and submitting resumes and applications. Surprisingly, there are quite a lot out there that are in his field of expertise. So, we ask that you all keep him in your prayers for the perfect job, that God already knows about.

More on this when the new deal is sealed!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trisha here!

A most happy birthday, Dad!!

This is a terrific idea (thanks Shauna and Katie!)especially since Mom and Dad both stated that they didn't want or need any more gifts. So, you certainly won't have to dust or eat this!

Life in the Brock lane these days consist of airport runs on Thursday and Sunday, glorious together time Friday-Sunday, and work, work, work Monday-Friday. I think Charlie and I cherish our time together even more now that we have so many days apart. I realize that just sharing the same space in a room even if doing something separately is good quality time together. Last weekend we were able to enjoy the little balcony in Athens on Saturday morning sipping respective cuppas tea and coffee---until the chill drove us indoors and then down the street to Waffle House.

This weekend I am heading to Fellowship Valley near Clarksville for our first annual girls getaway with church. I am on the organizing committee and we have 50 women going. For a small church of about 150 this is a tremendous turnout! We will be creating more pages in our visual journaling that the women have been working on. One of our gals is an artist and she has taught us all how creative we can be through this outlet. I have even surprised myself! If I figure out how to add a photo to this blog I will post one of my visual journal pages.

Right now, I have to run to Costco and pick up a veggie tray to take on the retreat along with chocolate chip cookies for Charlie to bring to the turkey fry/UGA vs Tenn festivities for Saturday nite. I hate that I am going to miss out :(

Dad, I hope you enjoy all the fams postings. (You wouldn't believe how long it took Anna to walk me thru this over the speakerphone---she was incredibly patient...I feel like I am an old dog learning (not well!) new tricks).
Ah, well. These things keep us young, huh?

Much love,
daughter #2