Sunday, October 30, 2011

Elizabeth and 4-H

Ok, now for another attempt at blogging. I want to tell everyone about how busy Elizabeth has been with 4-H. Oh, and yes, I have been just as busy since I am driving her around to all of her 4-H events!

Elizabeth decided to join the 4-H Horse Club. Since joining in September, she has been in the Marble Festival Parade, a horse clinic on how to control a horse when spooked (for the parade), volunteered to help build a fence at Twelve Stone Farm (they rescue horses), and another horse clinic for beginners.

I am sure you are asking, did Elizabeth get a horse?  The answer is NO!  Not going to happen in any future that I can see. The horses are not expensive (we even have someone who will give us one), it is the upkeep of owning one. She can still participate and can lease a horse for an event. Or she can volunteer at several horse stables around the county and "earn" a horse for an event.

This weekend she attended the horse clinic for beginners. I learned so much about horses!  Here is Elizabeth riding Grace. Before she could ride, she had to groom the horse and play "friendly" games with her horse.
After riding with a saddle, she rode bareback, not what I thought of when someone says they rode  bareback, but this is what it was called!
Elizabeth had a great time and so did Mom! 

Until next time.....


  1. Love it!! I have always wanted to learn how to ride. So thrilled Elizabeth has the opportunity! Glad you were able to figure the blog thing out!!! :)

  2. Thanks for the help Katie! Not too bad and hope to post regularly. I figured out in order for me to add more than 2 photos, I have to hit the f5 "refresh" button and then it will allow me to add more photos. Have fun Trick or Treating tonight.
