Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Trip

We took a weekend trip over Thanksgiving weekend. We went to Huntsville Alabama and then drove over the border into Tennessee. Why Huntsville and Tennessee? Well, first I will tell you how this came about.

I follow several blogs and one of the blogs I follow is called One day she decided to write about her family weekend trip instead of posting a recipe. They stayed in a 100 year old cabin in Falls Mill TN. Once I saw the photos, I decided to look into it further.

Next thing I know, I am emailing the owner of the cabin to see if there is any availibility. Mind you this is the Fall season, so I doubted there would be any openings. She responded the only night she had available for the rest of the year was Saturday, November 26th ( yes, GranAnn's birthday). We decided to book the one night and we are so glad we did!

Friday, we drove to Huntsville and toured the Space Center. It was really interesting and recommended, but I want to tell you about Falls Mill.

We arrived early on Saturday morning as it was only 1 hour from Huntsville. As soon as we arrived, about 10:00 am, we were greeted by the owners. I did not tell you that the cabin sits on the grounds of an operational Grist Mill!  Check-in was not until 3:00, but she said the cabin was ready and we go let ourselves in!

The owners of the Mill have owned and operated it for about 30 years. The story on how they aquired the Mill and the "ups and downs" is fascinating.

For each guest, the owners provide a loaf of fresh baked bread, bag of grits, pancake mix, blueberry muffins, blueberry turnovers, hamsteak, fresh farm eggs (the young girls from a farm nearby brought them), orange juice, milk and even cream for coffee. The bread and blueberry muffins were very good!

We cooked breakfast on the morning we checked out. She said to please not worry about the dirty dishes and to leave them in the sink, but we could not do that!  There are movies in the cabin and just about any board game you could think of. There is also hidden money and you are supposed to find it and then hid again for the next guests. Elizabeth had a great time looking for the money.

We had such a great time and will go back!  The grounds of the mill are beautiful and I have included a few photos. Oh, and you may see a few on our Christmas card in the mail to you!

The owners house:

The grounds:

Lovely place!
I hope I did not mistype any words, as I could not get the spell check to work!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! That all sounds so lovely! What a wonderful impromptu trip!!
